Saturday, September 4, 2010

If we don't remember something does it mean it does not exist for us???!!
I have been wondering why we don't remember our early years of course I have met people who insist they remember things from when they were two but I take that with a pinch of salt.
Anyway why don't we remember?
Kids do have a memory so why don't we have a recall of that memory?


Amel said...

GREAT questions. I've been wondering about those things, as's strange, isn't it? He he he...

No Reply said...

How would you know if you don't remember something?

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Very philosophical questions!

Zakman said...

Hey Random, I'm coming back after a long time, and trust me it's NOT a coincidence!

I just located my little girl last month after 20 years...she doesn't remember me. We lost track after she was born in California, 1990.. long story.

She has never seen me, but we're staying in touch, since last 3 weeks. Hoping to see each other this November. She's a real sweetipie :)

To post a response here, "if we don't remember something does it mean it doesn't exist for us..." -- well my little girl doesn't remember me at ALL, we still haven't met... but I do think we are real.

zakman said...

Gosh... I feel so dumb now.